It’s A…

Long-neglected mothers of boys rejoice! The selfish ladies of Prudent Baby now have personal interest in all things male because… It’s a Boy! So get ready for snails and puppy dog tails and… mustaches! To announce Baby Boy Boneau, I’ve whipped up a few of these super easy mustache lollipops as part of Prudent Baby’s Summer of Fanciful Treats: Sponsored by Bake it Pretty. If, like me, you still can’t get enough of the mustache trend, you have to take a peek at the 1st birthday party Jessica from A little Gray threw for her son, Hendrix. Then check out Babble’s In Celebration of Baby Boys: The Mustache. I want that wooden teether!

Click here for the crazy simple DIY for these mustache lollipops!
And remember, any comment you leave this week could win you a 1/2 yard of Nicey Jane oilcloth. Tell us a mustache story. My husband has a mustache. I like it.

What you need:
Mustache Chocolate Mold. If you want to make a bunch, It’s helpful to have more than one mold.
Dark Chocolate Wafers
Orange Oil – Not necessary but oh-so-delicious in dark chocolate
4″ lollipop sticks – I buy the longer size and cut them down with scissors
Cello bags

and if you want to make our tags:
Prints of our It’s A Boy! template
Double-sided tape
X-acto and cutting mat

Click here for a refresher on Tips for Making Chocolate Mold Candy and then come back here for the variations for this project.

1. Melt your chocolate as usual. Then add the orange oil drop by drop to taste. I added 3 drops to 1/4 LB of chocolate, which made 4 pops. Again, this is SO tasty.

2. Fill mold with chocolate using our pastry bag method or simply use a teaspoon (in this case) since the mold is so large. Make sure it’s filed to the top (but not overfilled) and make sure the chocolate reaches the outer corners. If you have any spillage, wipe it clean.

3. Tap the mold gently on the counter to release air bubbles.

4. Push the lolli sticks into the mold, then carefully roll the sticks until they are covered in chocolate.

5. Tap the mold gently on the counter again to smooth the surface.

6. Put mold in the freezer for about 10 minutes or until the chocolate releases from the mold when turned over.

7. Package in bags with a cute tag and twine or wrap in foil. So fun!

Let All-Things-Boy Commence!




LOVE these mustache-pops! I am also super excited for all the boy fun! I have two already, and boy #3 will be joining us within the month. Yay!


I am in love with these! My #2 boy just turned 1 and if I have another I'm making a deal with God for a girl, so the rest of you will have to have moustache fun without me.

Congrats on the boy!


Congrats! My husband once only shaved half of his face to see how long it would take for us to notice. Pretty funny!


Congrats on your little man! My hubby hopes our next one is a boy, I'm kindof hoping for another girl so he may be willing to try for #3.

My 'stache story:
When I was 16, I went to my mom's beauty salon for an eyebrow wax to beautify for the upcoming homecoming dance. I walked in, told the little old Vietnamese lady behind the counter my name and that I was here for a wax. She looked at me and asked, "lip wax?" I said no, that I was there for an eyebrow wax. She turned towards the lady doing nails, said something in Vietnamese and giggled, then told me to have a seat. The hairstylist came out and asked what I was waiting for. "Waxing," I mumbled. "Oh, lip wax?" she asked. Annoyed, I said no, and through my teeth, "EYEBROW wax." They had the same conversation in Vietnamese with the same giggle, and I sat red faced and still waiting. Finally the waxer called me back. As we were walking, she looked me over and asked, "So, you here for lip wax?" I was going to correct her, but I figured if 3 different people noticed the baby hairs above my lip, it was probably time for me to just accept my mustache. Defeated, I sighed, "yeah… and can you do my brows while you're at it?"


Yay for boys! I love being a mother to my little boy. I really wanted a boy when I found out I was pregnant last year. Honestly, I was more than a little afraid to have a girl.

I have to be honest, I'm not a fan of the mustache. My husband has a goatee though. We've been together ten years and until last summer I had *never* seen him without it. I had never seen his bare chin. I was worried it might be lumpy, or weird looking but I finally braced myself for what I would see and asked him to shave it off. For fun he shaved in stages so I could see what he looked like after each transformation. He started with a full beard and then shaved it down to the goatee I know and love. Then came the motorcycle mustache (the one that goes along each side of the mouth meeting the classic 'stache). With his blond hair it was too ridiculous. Then he shaved down to a normal mustache; it was so pale and the rest of his face newly bare looked younger. He looked like an out-of-work 70's porn star. Yuck. Then it was time to go totally bare. To be honest it freaked me out. It was like looking at a total stranger. When he kissed me goodnight in the dark later I felt like I was cheating on my husband. I was relieved when the good ol' goatee finally grew back in. So no mustaches here.

But hooray for boy babies anyway!


Congratulations! I secretly really want a boy next time too:)

I have been able to keep my husband from a stache for most of our marriage (4 years)…but he is quite obsessed. He tells me if he can't get the real thing then he is getting a tatoo of one on the inside of his index finger (next to the middle), that way he can hold his finger up to his top lip and live in the mustache glory he has always wanted. I just tell him if he grows one…then so do I…


The Executive Director at our company wore a mustache for years. When he finally cut it off, one of the employees found some batting that was actually gray which was the same color of his mustache. We all pulled off the right amount and shaped perfect mustaches with it and taped them to our faces. When he came into the office that day and saw all of us waiting for him with "his" mustache, it was hilarious!


My dad always had a young face and as a 20-something school teacher back in the 70s, he was once bent down helping a student and had someone come in and look around, unable to find the teacher. He decided then to grow a mustache and had one up until a few years ago. It was really hard to get used to his look without it! My husband, on the other hand, once grew a goatee while we were apart for a bit and I laughed as soon as I saw him again. Facial hair doesn't work for him. A chocolate mustache, though? I'll take it!


Many congratulations on the boy! I am always inspired by your blog, and as a mother of two young boys, I am extremely excited to see some more boys stuff on it!

We had a Mr. Man birthday party for my 3 year old last year with those very mustache pops as a fun party gag…pictures of all those preschoolers with a big ole mustache are hilarious!


Congratulations! I'm excited to see all the boy projects you come up with. Don't get me wrong, I love the girly stuff, but I don't (YET) have a girl to make them for!


Congrats on the boy!! They are super snuggly, I have 2 and wouldn't trade them for the world 😉

My husband has always had a 'stache and goatee, which I love, and I make him keep them because I'm a little older (ok, I'm a decade older) than he is and if he shaved it I was afraid people would think he was my son and not my hubby 😉 When my oldest was around 3 hubby shaved both mustache and goatee just to see what he looked like, it had been so long since he'd gone without, and our son screamed and cried and wouldn't speak to him for 2 days until the stubble came in enough to sorta kinda look like his old face again! LOL We had even warned him that Daddy was going to shave and he said okay…guess it wasn't exactly how he expected it to be 😉


Love the mustache pops! When I was a kid, I fought hard to convince my dad to shave off his beard and mustache, and then when he did I cried and said "how long til it grows back?" because he didn't look like my dad anymore. :o)


Hooray! You have the best timing, I just found out that my little one is a boy (due in Nov) and I've been perusing the interwebs for boy-friendly DIYs and tutorials. Not a lot out there.

Made by Rae and Dana of Made did a series in February of this year called "Celebrate the Boy" that has a whole bunch of sewing and other stuff just for boys.


Adventure of the Hoffman family

Congratulations on a BOY! They are a whole different ballpark! I love the mustache theme. Here is where I show how "gentlemenly" my husband is and plug another great site. The Art of Manliness @ My husband first puchased the AoM book and he is now obsessed. Great folk art and ideas in the book too. (yes I read the whole thing) My son (at age 13) has read it too and holds it in high regard. Let me tell you what… it is the best thing to happen to a kiss! He shaves like a grandpa now lather, razor and all! I think it would be great with the resurgance of gentlemen qualities… to start with a nursery theme. HOW CUTE. You must take a look at the book and site. Mine is 13- not decorating a nursery again but man if I was! Congratulations again.


Congratulations on the boy!! I'm so excited to see what you make for boys, I've practically spoiled all the little girls around us with your creations and my boys feel very left out.
Mustache story #1: My husband had a nice gotee stache combo for a long time and then one day decided to shave it all off, but first surprised our two boys and me with a mustache. Our oldest, 3 at the time, looked at him, backed away and said "Daddy, what's on your face, get it off." It was very upsetting. I don't think either of the boys got within five feet of him until he had it all off.
Mustache story #2: We just got two kitens and one of them is named Mustache.


My husband grew a mustache in honour of our hometown pitcher (with a scrawny 'stache) who pitched a great game.

Liz {Learning To Juggle}

This is so stinkin' cute!!! I have 2 boys and I'm always looking for cute boy things (ever since my first baby shower!!) I LOVE this!!! Yay for cute boy stuff!!

{and congrats – having boys is a blast!!!}


yay for a lad!!! and thanks for linking to my party again, what a nice little surprise! …so now that there is pressure, I don't think I can ever come up with any more clever comments on your site ever. You may have killed my spirit…. I'll have to sojourn into the Japanese mountains or something to get it back.


Congrats! My boy came along after 2 girls. It's definitely a dynamic that you'll be happy you didn't miss : )


love the stache's. yum. if only they made a mold int he shape of rick's stache, that would be amazing. maybe you can draw one on tiny BBB when he's born. matt's story above reminded me of scarlet crying when i got bangs last week. i came to pick her up at school and saw was backing away from me, shaking.


My husband and I made my little brother a mustache kit for Christmas because he can't quite yet grow facial hair. It was hilarious- mustaches that tie on, ones that hang down from glasses, ones in multiple colors. Love the 'stache man.

K. Fox

My husband has a huge beard and his students are convinced there is no way that I could possibly like it. However, I do. In fact, I was the one that told him to stop shaving and start wearing glasses instead of contacts. Haha. I guess my need for simplicity knows no bounds. 🙂 I'm so excited for you to have a boy! We just had one four months ago and he is so precious. (Now I want a girl!) Very excited to see what projects you come up with! Have fun!


Every winter my hubby stops shaving for awhile. Most men get 5 o'clock shadow around 5. My hub is the hairiest man on earth. He gets 5 o'clock shadow about 5 minutes after shaving. So…. a few weeks with no shaving = crazy hairy man. If he trims it, he looks ok. Otherwise… no way!

But, I don't think he'd look good with a 'stache. Some guys do, some don't.

Congrats on the sweet little boy! We're all girls around here, but my friends mostly have boys. I need more boy projects so I can do stuff for them. 🙂


I have three friends expecting boys in the fall, so I think I might just have an excuse to make chocolate moustaches! Lucky me right?

My man has a stache as part of his overall beard thing, which is ok, but with just the stache he looks like a pervert. Every time decides to go cleanshaven he runs out of the bathroom, mid shave, with just a moustache to freak me out. *shudder*


Yay!! my little boy is my life! they are so wonderful and filled with energy!

My hubby wants to grow out a mustache, and he thinks he looks great. Unfortunately he has the opposite problem of "mabblab" and he can't grow anything full unless he doesn't shave for a month… I'm ok with it. father-in-law has one, and I hubby looks tons better clean shaven.

I absolutely love the chocolate mustaches though!

Congrats and good luck with the little boy bean! I'm excited to see boy projects too!


WooHoo!! I am so exited about the coming boy stuff!! I have girl and a boy and I am currently pregnant with our third (won't know until its born) so a mixture will be awesome!!!!

Sharon (mama to Adam)

Congratulations on having a baby boy! I just had my little man almost 9 months ago, they are absolutely amazing little people. I am having a blast with him. I love the mustaches, my work every year has stachtober. The whole month of Oct the guys that sign up shave on the same day and then grow the whole month. We have a bowling party with pictures of everyones staches and we vote and laugh. They range so much from one person to the next.


I had my second boy last month…so this makes me SO happy! Can't wait to see what kinds of cool projects surface now that you're expecting a boy. 🙂

Preppy Mama

Woo Hoo!! I'm a mama to two boys and I love every minute of it. I bought those mustache molds from Bake It Pretty for my son's 4th birthday party. We did a "Little Man" theme and everyone loved the mustache pops!! We made them for school too and the kids loved them as well.


Yay for boys! My fiance has 9 nieces and nephews of these only 3 are girls so we need some boy ideas stat.

lori mulhern

I am the proud mamma of two boys…one is 4 years old the other 20 months (and is a twin). Boys are great. They test you, but they give you so much love its crazy. The big bear hugs, the cute smiles…its great.

So my story isn't much of a story. Just a comment really. Each year me, my siblings and their spouses have a Pollyanna at Christmas. Now we have a funny ornament theme. Anyway, I found a great ornament on easy and it was a felt mustache. It was great. Probably the best ornament in the bunch.

Anyway, congrats and enjoy.

Nutella Nutterson


When I was a baby, my father shaved off his full beard and left only a mustache. Since I'd learned that his facial hair was called "beard" that's what I continued to call *just* his mustache for several more years. 🙂

The Russ Family

Aside from loving the mustache pops, oh, how I love a girl who has Thin Mints AND Blue Bell in her freezer. And those Thin Mints look recently disturbed:)
Mustache story…My husband can pull off most types of facial hair arrangements, but the mustache makes him look a little 70's and slightly creepy. My fav…the goatee.


Congrats on the little man!

My dad has always had a big beard and mustache, I've never seen him with out it. One summer my brother was giving my dad crap and my dad asked what it would take for him to stop. My brother insisted that if he could curl my dad's mustache into a handle bar he would stop being a pain in the butt. It actually worked! My dad has had a handle bar for a while now, and he totally rocks it. People ask him what his favorite mustache wax is, but the secret is 'Got To Be Glued' hair spiking gel! He takes great pride in the 'stache and it's something he has become known for. I even blogged about it on father's day!


So funny! Congratulations as well.
I only like chocolate lollipop mustaches. If my hubby doesn't shave his it gives me a rash 🙁

Hey Bulldog!

My husband is always asking my nephew when he's going to grow a stache. He's only 5, so he always gets really crazy trying to explain to my hubby that he can't grow one yet. Joe just keeps insisting that he'd look great with one and he needs to put some work into growing one. It's a fun little back and forth game they have together.


And to think I just told people we were having a boy. I could have pointed to my own mustache as a hint. These are clever and striking and above all so fun!!! Your talent is endless. Yum.


We are mustache crazy in our house!! I'm pregnant with my first child and I have two step children – they will love this post. Perhaps it will even get my stepdaughter to be ok if I have a boy! Or…if I have a girl, she might have to like mustaches as much as the rest of us!

Singin' Mama

Yay! Congratulations! I adore your site, and love all the wonderful girly things you have inspired me to make for my friends' daughters, but…my son has gotten the short end of the stick until now! Can't wait to see what you ladies come up with for the other half!

Rachel @ A Cupcake for Moose

Congrats on the baby boy! Love the orange extract in the 'staches. Sounds yummy! I don't have a mustache but they, like Tom Selleck, are oh-so-cool!

(Love your blog…found it via Bake It Pretty!)


Oh, I LOVE that! I'm pretty sure that we are having a boy and we're due right around Halloween so this would be a perfect treat to hand out as an announcement!


These are awesome! My soon to be husband (who has a wicked awesome handlebar mustache) and I were looking for something like this for our wedding. And bonus we're expecting a boy in january!


So crazy! I had my baby shower yesterday and did this, except with pink for it's girl! Just saw this post. They were our favors, and were such a hit!

Great minds think alike!


My dad has always had a mustache. When I was only about seven years old though, he shaved the entire thing off without asking me for permission. When I saw him, I was so traumatized about the immense difference it made on his face that I started sobbing my eyes out and I didn't speak to him until it grew back! Now, I always fear people shaving or even getting their hair cut!

Lorna DeLoach

I am helping with a baby boy shower and found your adorable moustache pops! You have a link posted for the tags but, it no longer works. Can you direct me to a link for them? I started making my own but, when I saw yours I thought “Why reinvent the wheel?”
Thank you for your help:-)


Do you have a link for the tags that works? Or can you email the file? I started making them for a baby shower and didn’t check the link before I started.


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